Cloud Himalaya : Nepal's Sole TIER - 4 Data Center

We Take Care
of your Data

You Take Care of your Business

Trusted by 500+ across nation


A Team of Robust System and Network Engineers Based in Nepal


Years of Unmatched Expertise

Level Up Your IT Infrastructure
world-class tech team,
based in Nepal

Our commitment to excellence is exemplified by our impressive 99.995% uptime, ensuring uninterrupted service for our clients.  At Cloud Himalaya, we don’t merely promise reliability; we deliver it with precision, sculpting the future of businesses through cutting-edge Azure solutions and an unwavering dedication to innovation.

Our services

Core Services of Cloud Himalaya


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Frequently Asked Questions

01What services does Cloud Himalaya offer?

Cloud Himalaya provides a range of services tailored to diverse IT needs:

  1. VPS: Scalable and efficient hosting with dedicated resources.
  2. Colo: Secure server housing in data centers for optimal reliability.
  3. Managed Services: Technical management of IT infrastructure for streamlined operations.
  4. Web Hosting: Reliable hosting solutions, from basic to extensive options.
  5. Email Hosting: Professional and secure communication services.

02What is VPS, and how does Cloud Himalaya's VPS service benefit businesses?

VPS, or Virtual Private Server, is a virtualized hosting solution providing dedicated resources. Cloud Himalaya's VPS service offers businesses scalable and efficient hosting solutions with customizable resources for enhanced performance.

03Can you explain Cloud Himalaya's Colo services?

Cloud Himalaya's Colo, short for colocation, involves housing your servers in our secure data centers. This service ensures optimal reliability, security, and connectivity for your hardware infrastructure.

04What does Managed Services include at Cloud Himalaya?

Our Managed Services encompass Cloud Himalaya handling the technical aspects of your IT infrastructure. From server monitoring to security updates, we take care of the details, allowing you to focus on your core business functions.

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Our Location

4th Floor,Central Business Park Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal

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